Az elmúlt 30 évben több mint 170 országban jártam. Itt talál néhány fotót utazásaimról.
Driving experience in Hungaroring
South Africa – Johannesburg
Shooting in Phi Phi island
Dr. Róbert Richard Kiss showed the beauties of Paris to the winners of Glamor magazine. In the photo, Krisztina Maróy, Glamour’s editor-in-chief, and the winning readers.
Dr. Róbert Richard Kiss showed the beauties of Paris to the winners of Glamor magazine. In the photo, Krisztina Maróy, Glamour’s editor-in-chief, and the winning readers.
Gold desk in Swisshorn Gold Palace
Interview with a thai businessman in tha radio
On the Great Wall
Shooting in Stuttgart
Adventure in Aruba
In the capital of European Union, Brusselss
Dolphin training in Mexico
Desert running race in Jordania
The Dead Sea
Cooking scool in the Kempinszky Hotel
Marosvásárhely – Magyar Nyelvőr Award
Budapest – Magyar Nyelvőr Award
Prima Primissima Award
Membership of Traveller’s Century Club, Los Angeles