Dr. Kiss Róbert Richard



travel expert

turisztikai szakértő

Dr. Kiss Róbert Richard



travel expert

turisztikai szakértő

Dr. Richard Robert Kiss

Prima Primissima awarded, Pulitzer Memorial awarded (as a member of the creative community), Pro Europa awarded, Iroko awarded, Zlatna Penkala (Golden Pen) awarded, Berzsenyi awarded, Amice Facultatis awarded communications specialist, Dean of Kodolányi János University, member of the Senate.

Lecturer at Eötvös Loránd University (communication and linguistics), University of Szeged (country image, media and tourism) and Corvinus University (cultural tourism), Associate Professor at Kodolányi University, Dean of the Faculty of New Media and Creative Industries, member of the Senate.

His monograph and research have shown that the Hungarian language has a remarkably large number of greeting forms.

He is the author of five volumes in the series Fantastic Hotels of the World. He has also written a book on the world's most beautiful islands.

He is also the author of the tourism concepts, tourism economic and communication plans of several municipalities.

He is the author of the study series "Country image - how Hungarians are perceived in the world", the TOP 50 Hungarian hotels and several other publications of great importance in the period. Editor and presenter of popular television and radio programmes.

He holds a summa cum laude degree in Linguistics and Hungarian Linguistics from the ELTE Doctoral School.

He holds a degree in law, graduating summa cum laude from the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of ELTE.

She has conducted several research projects on the impact of addressing habits on the economy.

He has conducted representative research on society, law, economics, legal consciousness and legal communication, resulting in the volume Society and Law.

He has taught Communication at ELTE since 1991. He has also worked on rhetoric and the economic aspects of office communication.

In Szeged, he taught courses on the relationship between tourism and the media in Hungarian and English. The course "Country Image" analysed the impact of the media on the country image and, through this, on the development of tourism revenues.

He gave scientific training courses on behalf of the Embassy of Mongolia and Sapientia University.

His teaching experience and academic work since 1991-92 (1st place in the OTDK, demonstrator at ELTE) is continuous. He has more than 20 years of management experience.

Books on linguistics:

2007 - Greeting Forms in the Hungarian Language.

2009 - Nyelvelő

2011 - Nyelvi finomságok

2014 - Fantasztikus nyelv

Books on tourism

1998 - The Encyclopaedia of Travellers (Világszám series)

The Encyclopaedia of Travellers

2000 - The Encyclopaedia of the Millennium (Világszám Series)

2001 - The Encyclopaedia of Fashion and Travellers (Világszám Series)

2002 - Yearbook of Hungarian Tourism

2004 - The Most Beautiful Islands of the World

2005 - Fantastic Hotels of the World

2006 - Fantastic Hotels of the World 2.

2007 - Fantastic Hotels of the World 3.

2008 - TOP 50 Best Hungary Hotel

2008 - Fantastic Hotels of the World 4

2009 - Fantastic Hotels of the World 5

2008 - TOP 50 Hungarian Hotels

2015 - How does they see the Hungarians in the world

2018 - How does they see the Hungarians in the world 2.

2022 - How does they see the Hungarians in the world - 3. extended edition

2023 - How does they see the Hungarians in the world - 4. extended edition


Prima Primissima awarded, Pulitzer Memorial awarded (as a member of the creative community), Pro Europa awarded, Iroko awarded, Zlatna Penkala (Golden Pen) awarded, Berzsenyi awarded, Amice Facultatis awarded communications specialist, Dean of Kodolányi János University.


Lecturer at Eötvös Loránd University (communication and linguistics), University of Szeged (country image, media and tourism) and Corvinus University (cultural tourism), Associate Professor at Kodolányi University, Dean of the Faculty of New Media and Creative Industries.


His monograph and research have shown that the Hungarian language has a remarkably large number of greeting forms.


He is the author of five volumes in the series Fantastic Hotels of the World. He has also written a book on the world’s most beautiful islands.


He is also the author of the tourism concepts, tourism economic and communication plans of several municipalities.


He is the author of the study series “Country image – how Hungarians are perceived in the world”, the TOP 50 Hungarian hotels and several other publications of great importance in the period. Editor and presenter of popular television and radio programmes.


He holds a summa cum laude degree in Linguistics and Hungarian Linguistics from the ELTE Doctoral School.


He holds a degree in law, graduating summa cum laude from the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of ELTE.


She has conducted several research projects on the impact of addressing habits on the economy.


He has conducted representative research on society, law, economics, legal consciousness and legal communication, resulting in the volume Society and Law.


He has taught Communication at ELTE since 1991. He has also worked on rhetoric and the economic aspects of office communication.


In Szeged, he taught courses on the relationship between tourism and the media in Hungarian and English. The course “Country Image” analysed the impact of the media on the country image and, through this, on the development of tourism revenues.

He gave scientific training courses on behalf of the Embassy of Mongolia and Sapientia University.


His teaching experience and academic work since 1991-92 (1st place in the OTDK, demonstrator at ELTE) is continuous. He has more than 20 years of management experience.


Activities for Radios
Speaker and editor of the travel program of the hungarian InfoRadio (news radio)
2000 - Present
Speaker and editor of the travel program of the hungarian InfoRadio (news radio)

Retro Radio
2021 - Present
Retro Radio
presentation of inland settlements as a tourism communication expert with Tímea Leirer.
2012 - 2015
Juventus Radio
editor, presenter
  • Danubius Radio - editor-presenter
  • Világszám - Danubius Rádió
  • Last Minute Klub - Danubius Rádió
  • Cirkáló - Danubius Rádió
  • Rádiótours - Petőfi Rádió
  • Az éjszaka virágai - Petőfi-Kossuth rádió
  • Party őrség - Petőfi-Kossuth rádió
  • Show-szóró - Kossuth Rádió (Entertaining Magazine)
editor, presenter
  • Krónika - Magyar Rádió - editor-reporter (News Programmes)
  • Internal affairs editor-staff- Magyar Rádió
  • Muzsikáló reggel, Metronóm, Családi tükör, Parlamenti ütköző, Szombat délelőtt - Magyar Rádió
Activities for TV Channels
editor, presenter
TV2 - Világszám
editor, reporter

Various Documentary Programmes for Different Radios and TV Channels
for example:

  • Játék életre-halálra (about gamblers)
  • Tragédia Turán (about Roma murders)
Producer and editor activities:

1994-1997 Világszám (tourist magazine for TV3)

Gulliver (tourist magazine for Szív TV)

Producer and editor of 108 travel films

Producer activities:

  • Danubius Capuccino Kiruccanás
  • Danubius Expressz
editor, reporter



Friderikusz show

editor - reporter

Megáll az ész!
(co-operating with Péter Geszti and Viktor Klausmann)

editor - reporter

Helló Világ


Fogadjunk!(co-operating with Lajos Boros)



editor - reporter
Budapesti Körzeti Adások

Books, magazines

I have produced, written and edited several books and publications over the years. My current books available can be ordered by clicking here.

Forms of greeting in the Hungarian language
Mongolian language edition

How does they see the Hungarians in the world
4. extended edition

How does they see the Hungarians in the world
3. extended edition

How does they see the Hungarians in the world
2. extended edition

Society and right

How does they see the Hungarians in the world

The fantastic language

The Most Beautiful Women in History

Linguistic subtleties

TOP 50 special destinations in the world

TOP 50 Hungarian Hotels

Forms of greeting in the Hungarian language


Fantastic Hotels of the World 5.
Fantastic Hotels of the World 5.

Fantastic Hotels of the World 4.

Fantastic Hotels of the World 3.

Fantastic Hotels of the World 2.

Fantastic Hotels of the World

The Most Beautiful Islands of the World

Yearbook of Hungarian Tourism

The Encyclopaedia of Fashion and Travellers (Világszám Series)

The Encyclopaedia of the Millennium (Világszám Series)

The Encyclopaedia of Travellers (Világszám series)


  • 1990 - "Remarks on Investigation of Youth and Student Language", Seminar Study
  • 1991 - "Greeting Forms of Student Language in Sopron", National Scientific Student Conference, Szeged: First Prize
  • 1992 - "Greeting Forms of Students in Sopron" Magyar Csoportnyelvi Dolgozatok Series 55. Vol. Budapest.
  • 1994 - "Világszám" Budapest (tourist magazine)
  • 1999 - "Greeting as sentence-word, sentence-unit, clause and text." In: Kugler Nóra, Lengyel Klára (szerk.): Ember és nyelv. Tanulmánykötet Keszler Borbála tiszteletére. Budapest
  • 2001. november 22. - "How to Greet Others in the World?", Article)
  • 2002 - News in the Commercial and National Radios, editor: Harmincéves a Mai Magyar Nyelvi Tanszék. Budapest.
  • 2004 - Greeting Forms in the Hungarian Language - with special regards to the impacts of the new informatics and telecommunication technologies and the student language, Budapest
  • 2007 - 2007 - Gesztusnyelvi köszönések. In: Balázs Géza - H. Varga Gyula (szerk.): Szemiotika és tipológia. Líceum Kiadó. Eger.
  • 2007 - Greetings on the answering machine. In: Keszler Borbála, Balázs Géza, Fábián Pál, Grétsy László, Heltainé Nagy Erzsébet, A. Jászó Anna, Kemény Gábor, Tolcsvai Nagy Gábor (szerk.): Magyar Nyelvőr 131. évfolyam 2007. július-szeptember 3. szám. Budapest. 287-97.
  • 2007 - Greeting Forms in the Hungarian Language. In: Guttmann Miklós, Molnár Zoltán (szerk.): A Berzsenyi Dániel Főiskola Magyar Nyelvészeti Tanszékének Kiadványai VIII. V. Dialektológia Szimpozion. Szombathely. 139-45.
  • 2008 - Farewell habits at the international airports. In: Balázs Géza - H. Varga Gyula (szerk.): Az abdukció. Az abdukció logikája, szemiotikája. Líceum Kiadó. Eger. 139-43.
  • 2009 - Country picture and country image - the symbols of the touristic marketing organization. In: Balázs Géza - H. Varga Gyula (szerk.): Ikonikus fordulat a kultúrában. Magyar Szemiotika Társaság. Líceum Kiadó. Eger. 209-16.
  • 2009 - Nyelvelő - linguistic guide
  • 2010 - The World of Travelling In: Balázs Géza - H. Varga Gyula (szerk.): The semiotic of travelling. Líceum Kiadó. Eger. 279-85.
  • 2011 - Nyelvi finomságok - linguistic guide. Bp. 2011. Gondolat kiadó
  • 2013 - Symbols of Coca Cola. In: Pölcz Ádám (szerk.): Emlékezet: ünnep-fesztivál. Bp. 2013. Magyar Szemiotikai Társaság.
  • 2013 - Milestones In: Veszelszki Ágnes (szerk.): A világhálóba keveredett ember. Bp. 2013. ELTE Eötvös Kiadó.
  • 2014 - The Movie effect to the cultural tourism. In: Jászberényi Melinda (szerk.): The variegation of the cultural tourism. Budapest. 2014. Nemzeti Közszolgálati és Tankönyv Kiadó
  • 2015 - VI. Conference of press and media language - The language of the media and it's "dialects": Richard Robert Kiss: The changes in creating headlines on the internet.
  • 2016 - Who is Hungarian in: Nyelvi esszék szerk.: Balázs Géza és Minya Károly. Bp. 2016.
  • 2017 - Creating titles in the online press in: Sajtónyelv-Médianyelv Kutatás, elemzés, dokumentumok szerk.: Balázs Géza és H. Varga Gyula. Bp. 2017.
  • 2022 - Interesting facts about speaking in court and argumentationn. In: Gondolkodni és beszélni - az anyanyelv-elsajátításától a retorikáig. Szerk.: Constantinovitsné Vladár Zsuzsa - Bóna Judit. Bp., 2022. MediaCom Kiadó
  • 2024 - István Vörös. The hand-held typhoon. Dr. Róbert Richard Kiss (ed.) Mediacom Publishing Ltd., Bp., 2024.
  • 2024 - Babel - Cultures, Generations. In. József Pálfi (ed.): A nyelv als Erinnerezet, Old and new writings in the Acta Universitatis Christianae Partiensis. Old and new works, old and new. 83-87.
  • 2024 - The legal framework for the protection of minorities and the experiences in the application of the law in the neighbouring states of Hungary. Carpathian Basin Minority Rights Guide. Norbert Tóth, Balázs Vizi. Róbert Kiss Richard (Language proofreader). Bethlen Gábor Fund Management Ltd., 2024.
  • 2024 - Babel - cultures, generations. In. (ed.): Babel. Culture, Science, Art Essays Volumes XIX Bolyai. Bolyai Workshop Foundation. 33-40.
  • 2024 - Characteristics of Hungarian greetings. In Gendenjamts Khishigbadam (ed.): Hungarian and Mongolian Academy of Sciences. Embassy of Hungary Ulaanbaatar. Ulaanbaatar. 74-78.



  • Doctor of Philosophy
  • Judr. (Lawyer)


Secound doctorate: Lawyer (ELTE ÁJK) summa cum laude


PhD Studies (summa cum laude)


Master of Arts in Hungarian Literature and Language, with distinguished results Qualification: Secondary School Teacher of Hungarian Literature and Language


ELTE Modern Hungarian Language Department Demonstrator

Scholarship holder of Köztársasági ösztöndíj


ELTE Modern Hungarian Language Department Demonstrator

Scholarship holder of Republican Scholarship



Scholarship holder of Köztársasági ösztöndíj

  • ELTE Modern Hungarian Language Department Demonstrator
  • ELTE Enlightenment and Reform Age Hungarian Literature Dep. Demonstrator

National Scientific Student Conference, Szeged: First Prize


Reporter Training School of Hungarian Radio


Higher Education: Eötvös Loránd University of Sciences, Faculty of Arts, majors: Hungarian Literature and Language, History


Secondary Grammar School: Berzsenyi Dániel Gimnázium, Sopron


Primary School: Kellner Sándor Általános Iskola, Sopron


Berzsenyi award
Republican award
2007 Pro Europe award
2008 Pulitzer Relic award (INFO radió)
1996 Mediaship the best tourist correspondent of the year
2010 Prima Primissima Award
2014 Press Award by Turism Ministry of Croatia
2024 Medal of the Hungarian Writers' Association
2025 National Association of Hungarian Spokespersons - Media Prize
2025 - National Association of Hungarian Spokespersons - Media Prize
2024 - Kodolányi János University Senate mandate letter
2024 - Quercus egyesület Pásztorbot díj
2024 - Quercus egyesület Pásztorbot díj
2024 - Certificate of Recognition - Kodolányi University
2014 - Press Award by Tourism Ministry of Croatia
2014 - Press Award by Turism Ministry of Croatia
2024 - Commemorative plaque of the Hungarian Writers' Association for the work on the sociographic volumes of the Southern Region and the Felvidék
2024 - Commemorative plaque of the Hungarian Writers' Association for the work on the sociographic volumes of the Southern Region and the Felvidék
2014 - Press Award by Tourism Ministry of Croatia
2014 - Press Award by Turism Ministry of Croatia
2007 - Pro Europe Press Award
2010 - Prima Primissima Award
Levél Demján Sándortól
Congratulatory letter from Sandor Demjan
2016 - Travelers Century Club
ELTE-BTK medal
ELTE-BTK medal 2022.11.10.
ELTE-BTK medal 2022.11.10.
Kisfaludy days 1989
Kisfaludy days 1988
1991 - XX. National Conference of Scientific Students - I. Prize
1989 - Meeting of student writers and poets in Sárvár - Gold medal
1989 - Berzsenyi Prize - 1st prize
Certificate - Guardians of our heritage competition
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